
Maker | Antique Spur Collector - Part 3

F.M. Stern Bits and Spurs Value Guide

F.M. Stern was a saddlery company in San Jose California in the late 1800s and early 1900s. F.M. Stern did not produce their own bits and spurs and contracted with local makers like JF Echavarria, JJ Bernal, Jesus Mardueno and others to make items which were marked FM STERN. These high end collectible bits and […]

M.B. Staunton Company Bits and Spurs Value Guide

The M.B. Staunton company was located in Winnemucca, Nevada and served as one of the largest supply stores in Winnemucca, selling harness and tack as well as bits and spurs of course. Staunton is most well known for selling pieces made by famous makers like John Estrada, who was employed at the business as it […]

Scott Silver Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Scott Silver was a store that sold silver items including bits and spurs for a period of time. Most notably Ken Ramoni produced engraved silver bits and spurs in the 50s.

Rex Schnitger Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Rex Schnitger was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming and learned bit and spur making from Henry “Dutch” Thar. Rex opened a store where he sold western items as well as bits and spurs. He sold his own bits and spurs in his store as well as selling some through the Hamley catalog. Rex would move to […]

Alfred Schell Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Alfred Schell was born in Nevada and he eventually would apprentice with John Estrada at the Goldberg Staunton Saddlery in Winnemucca. He produced high quality inlay and overlay work in the California style and was known to travel around to ranches to do repair work on bits, spurs and tack.

Robert Schaezlein Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Schaezlein was an immigrant from Germany who eventually settled in San Francisco where he had a bit and spur making shop, his son and grandson of the same name would continue to work in the shop eventually. They did most of their work as general silversmiths and didn’t focus exclusively on bits and spurs. However […]

Richard Samburg Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Richard Samburg was born in Sweden and was moved to the US where he painted western scenes. He homesteaded in Gillette, Wyoming and worked as a blacksmith where he learned bit and spur making. He did some engraved pieces but is most known for doing inlaid copper in bits and spurs in geomtric or card […]

Charlie Sample Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Charlie Sample was born in Pennsylvania but moved to California where he worked as a silversmith in Bohlin’s shop. Charlie also learned gun engraving before opening his own business where he made bits and spurs as well as buckles and other items. He has continued to produce all types of silver items from coins and […]

Stan Ruano Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Stan Ruano was born in Ventura, California and has been around horses his entire life. We learned to make his first bit at age 15 and has worked at breaking and training horses while making bits and spurs as well. He prefers to make bits and does mostly overlaid silver with excellent engraving.

Ken Ramoni Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Ken Ramoni was born in California and learned bit and spur making from Romie Pomi in his teens. He also spent time working at the Garcia Saddlery in Salinas, Califoria as a silversmith. He tried opening his own shop but settled on working for other businesses.

We Pay Hundreds Or Even Thousands For Great Collectible Bits And SpursEmail: