Raphael Gutierrez Bits and Spurs Value Guide

Raphael Gutierrez

Born:1889 Died:1958 Maker's Mark:
"R. GUITIERREZ MFG.", "FILO MAKER", or sometimes just "F" he frequently used his address when he worked in San Francisco and the addesses are "1071 KEY AVE S.F." or "1084 LE CONTE AVE S.F."

Raphael Gutierrez, nicknamed “Filo”, was born in San Francisco where he apprenticed in bit and spur making. Over time he would also work and train in Sacramento, Elko (working for G.S. Garcia), and Cheyenne before returning to San Francisco and opening his own shop. During this time he also had a partnership with Juan Estrada. Gutierrez used many marks on his work depending on when and where he was working. While working for Garcia he was allowed to mark an “F” in addition to the normal Garcia markings. In San Francisco his work was marked with his name and address either R. GUTIERREZ MAKER or FILO MAKER and the address of 1084 LE CONTE AVE SF or 1071 KEY AVE SF. During his partnership with Estrada, work was marked Gutierrez Estrada, and during his time in Cheyenne work was marked Phillips-Gutierrez.

If you have any questions about your Raphael Gutierrez Bit or Spurs please get in touch with us:


Related Makers:G.S. Garcia Alsalio Herrera William Phillips
We Pay Hundreds Or Even Thousands For Great Collectible Bits And SpursEmail: Info@SpursCollector.com